On Truth

Artist: Jack Billington

Complete and utter darkness,
Flailing my arms about, I hope for any sense of direction
My anchor to reality has become taut against waves relentless
Truth is shrouded in a thick veil of deception

Speech, oh speech, fabulously free
In its name we speak unceasingly
Yet we walk on those who see differently
Oh, can’t you see the irony?

We fear all offense,
We attack in defense
We seethe with self righteous outrage
Unheeding the danger of becoming who we hate

We proclaim allegiance to feminism
Come night, we sleep with other women
Woke, we confuse our children
Abuse their childhood innocence

When everything is right,
Nothing is wrong
We all march to a rhythmless song
of a society who has lost its sight

Yet, like a vivid flame
Truth can not be tamed
We may wither and fade
But the brilliant light will remain

It burns when we sit in discussion with our friends
Or when we gather around the table in prayer
Fear is cast out by love which transcends
Our hope is a ship in a sea of despair


Battle Cry


Youth Music